Saturday, April 26, 2008


Tersebut dalam kisah.

Ada salah seorang lelaki fasik daripada bani Israel. Orang sekampung tidak dapat lagi membendung kefasikannya. Mereka mengadu kepada Allah. Lalu Allah memberi wahyu kepada Nabi Musa as bahawa di antara Bani Israel itu ada seorag pemuda fasik. Kemudian Musa mengusir pemuda itu dari kampung mereka. Sehinga mere tidak terjilat api (neraka) oleh kefasikannya. Maka pergilah pemuda itu ke satu kampung. Kemudian Allah SWT memerintahkan lagi agar Nabi Musa as mengusirnya. Maka dia mengusir pemuda itu. Sehingga pemuda itu pergi ke suatu tempat yang tidak terdapat manusia, tanaman, binatang liar atau burung. Di situlah dia sakit dan tidak ada pula yang menolong. Dia jatuh ke tanah. Dia meletakkan kepalanya sambil berkata, “kalaulah kepalaku ini dipangku oleh ibuku, tentulah dia mengasihaniku. Tentulah dia menangis meratapiku. Kalaulah isteriku ada di sini, tentu akan menangisi kematianku. Jika anak-anakku ada, tentulah mereka akan tersedu-sedu mengiringkan jenazahku, lalu mereka berdoa, “Ya Tuhan, ampunilah ayahku ini. Yang lemah, fasik, derhaka, yang terusir darikota ke kampung dan dari kampung ke padang yang gersang. Yang keluar dari dunia dan ke akhirat tanpa harapan suatu apa pun. Ya Allah, Engkau telah memisahkan aku dari orang tuaku, anak-anakku dan isteriku. Namun janganlah Engkau pisahkan aku daripada rahmatMu.

Sesungguhnya Engkau telah membakar hatiku sebab berpisah dengan mereka. Namun janganlah Engkjau bakar hati ini dengan nerakaMu kerana kemaksiatanku” Kemudian Allah mengutuskan bidadari menjelma menyerupai ibunya dan bidadari lain menjelma menjdai isterinya. Begitu, ghilman(anak-anak syurga) menjelma sebagai anak-anaknya. Serta mengutus Malaikat seolah-olah menjadi bapanya. Mereka duduk di sisinya dan meratapinya. Lalu lelaki itu berkata, “sesungguhnya ini ibu bapaku, isteriku, anak-anakku telah hadir di sisiku.” Maka legalah hatinya sehingga pulang ke rahmatullah dengan suci terampun dosanya. Kemudian Allah memberi wahyu kepada Nabi Musa. “Pergilah ke suatu padang di sebuah tempat di sana. Di situ telah mati seorang wali. Maka hadir dan uruslah dia!” ketika Musa datang tempat itu, beliau melihat pemuda yang diusirnya dari kota dan dari kampung dengan perintah Allah. Juga baginda lihat para bidadari mengerumuninya. Lalu baginda berkata, “Ya Tuhanku, bukankah ini pemuda yang aku usir dari kota dan dari sebuah kampung atas perintah Mu?” Allah berkata, “Wahai Musa, sesungguhnya Aku telah merahmati dan mengampuninya. Sebab dia meratap di tempatnya. Dia tinggalkan kampung halamannya, kedua oaring tuanya, bahkan anak-anak dan isterinya. Maka Aku utus para bidadari menjelma sebagai ibu dan isterinya. Malaikat sebagai bapanya. Mereka mengasihi kepedihan dan pengasingannya. Sesungguhnya jika orang meninggal di tempat jauh, maka ahli bumi dan ahli langit akan menangis mengasihaninya. Lalu bagaimana Aku tidak mengasihinya sedangkan aku Maha Pengasih?

Jika seseorang menghadapi sakratul maut di permusafiran, Allah akan berkata, “wahai Malaikat Ku, ini adalah orang asing sedang bermusafir. Dia meninggalkan anak isteri dan orang tuanya. Jika dia mati tiadalah yang menangisi dan meratapinya” Kemudian Allah menjadikan seorang Malaikat menyerupai bapanya, seorang lagi menyerupai ibunya, seorang lagi menyerupai anaknya dan seorang lagi menyerupai keluarganya. Mereka masuk dan membukakan matanya. Sehingga dia melihat orang tua dan keluarganya. Senanglah hatinya. Sehingga dia menghembuskan nafas terakhir dengan tenang dan bahagia. Kemudian ketika jenazahnya diusung, mereka menghantarkan ke kubur dan mereka mendoakannya sampai akhirat.

“Allah Maha Halus (penyantun) kepada hamba-hambaNya…” (As-syura:19)

(petikan dari buku Penenang Jiwa – Imam Al Ghazali)

Gambar hiasan dari email : Sebuah kematian tanpa sesiapa di sisi. Semoga rohnya di cucuri rahmat oleh Allah taala, amin.

Monday, March 3, 2008


i used to have a hobby of collecting interesting news/photo from newspapers. Here are some of which i would like to share. Infact, i think i will clear up my stock in the next postings. Enjoy..

Thursday, December 27, 2007

The Real Terkejut Beruk

Got this via email, thanks to the owner
....very funny, the whole family laugh..

Teka-teki Imam Ghazali

Suatu hari, Imam Al-Ghazali berkumpul dengan murid-muridnya lalu beliau bertanya (Teka Teki ) :

Imam Ghazali = " Apakah yang paling dekat dengan diri kita di dunia ini ?
Murid 1 = " Orang tua "
Murid 2 = " Guru "
Murid 3 = " Teman "
Murid 4 = " Kaum kerabat "
Imam Ghazali = " Semua jawapan itu benar. Tetapi yang paling dekat dengan kita ialah MATI . Sebab itu janji Allah bahawa setiap yang bernyawa pasti akan mati ( Surah Ali-Imran :185).

Imam Ghazali = " Apa yang paling jauh dari kita di dunia ini ?"
Murid 1 = " Negeri Cina "
Murid 2 = " Bulan "
Murid 3 = " Matahari "
Murid 4 = " Bintang-bintang "
Iman Ghazali = " Semua jawaban itu benar. Tetapi yang paling benar adalah MASA LALU . Bagaimanapun kita, apapun kenderaan kita, tetap kita tidak akan dapat kembali ke masa yang lalu. Oleh sebab itu kita harus menjaga hari ini, hari esok dan hari-hari yang akan datang dengan perbuatan yang sesuai dengan ajaran Agama".

Iman Ghazali = " Apa yang paling besar didunia ini ?"
Murid 1 = " Gunung "
Murid 2 = " Matahari "
Murid 3 = " Bumi "
Imam Ghazali = " Semua jawaban itu benar, tapi yang besar sekali adalah HAWA NAFSU (Surah Al A'raf: 179). Maka kita harus hati-hati dengan nafsu kita, jangan sampai nafsu kita membawa ke neraka."

IMAM GHAZALI" Apa yang paling berat didunia? "
Murid 1 = " Baja "
Murid 2 = " Besi "
Murid 3 = " Gajah "
Imam Ghazali = " Semua itu benar, tapi yang paling berat adalah MEMEGANG AMANAH (Surah Al-Azab : 72 ). Tumbuh-tumbuhan, binatang, gunung, dan malaikat semua tidak mampu ketika Allah SWT meminta mereka menjadi khalifah pemimpin) di dunia ini. Tetapi manusia dengan sombongnya berebut-rebut menyanggupi permintaan Allah SWT sehingga banyak manusia masuk ke neraka kerana gagal memegang amanah."

Imam Ghazali = " Apa yang paling ringan di dunia ini ?"
Murid 1 = " Kapas"
Murid 2 = " Angin "
Murid 3 = " Debu "
Murid 4 = " Daun-daun"
Imam Ghazali = " Semua jawaban kamu itu benar, tapi yang paling ringan sekali didunia ini adalah MENINGGALKAN SOLAT . Gara-gara pekerjaan kita atau urusan dunia, kita tinggalkan solat "

Imam Ghazali = " Apa yang paling tajam sekali di dunia ini? "
Murid- Murid dengan serentak menjawab = " Pedang "
Imam Ghazali = " Itu benar, tapi yang paling tajam sekali didunia ini adalah LIDAH MANUSIA . Kerana melalui lidah, manusia dengan mudahnya menyakiti hati dan melukai perasaan saudaranya sendiri "

"sampaikanlah walau satu ayat"..
kita selalu tidak meng harga i apa yang di sekeliling kita…..
sehinggalah kita kehilangannya...

Monday, December 24, 2007

very funny

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Holly Quran being tattooed on human body

Dear fellow non-muslims friends, allow me to inform you that the holly Quran is words from Allah, the one and only God for Muslim. His words are something that we cannot make fool of. He has guaranteed that He will safeguard the holly Quran untill the day oh qiamat (end of the world). When there is no one in this world recite the holly Quran, then the qiamat will come. As muslim people, we also have to safeguard the holly words from being sabotaged or whatever bad things. To touch the quran, we have to take ablution. We cannot bring the Quran into toilet because it is words from The God. We cannot put other thing on top of it, like in the book shelves. Because it is holly, it must be on top of everything. How in words can i explain about the quran? My english not good, but my point is we cannot do nasty things to the words from Allah.

Like this lady in the above picture... for sure she will go to toilet. and she will bring along , the quran on her back. May be she do not understand the importance of the words tattooed on her back, may be she just admire the beauty of the Arabic calligraph, but it is wrong and making fool of muslim. I pray to dear God, please give her hidayah.. show her the right path. Amen.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Monday, October 29, 2007

Friday, October 26, 2007



1. Sesiapa yang berwuduk saat ingin tidur dan meminta supaya ALLAH
berikan kebaikan dunia dan akhirat pasti akan di kabulkan ? Tirmizi.
Sunat tidur dalam keadaan berwuduk.
2. Sesiapa yang berselawat tidak kiralah banyak mana hitunganya
setiap hari akan dapat keberkatandalam apa jua dengan syarat ia
berusaha mencari keredhaanNya.
3. Sesiapa yang berselawat 41 kali sehari, insyaALLAH, akan
dihindarkan daripada sifat tercela seperti hasad dengki, riak dsbnya
dalam dirinya.
4. Berselawat 33 kali sehari dapat menjernihkan hati, mudah
memahami akan sesuatu ilmu yang diajarkan, di samping beroleh
ketenangan fikiran.
5. ALLAH akan hapuskan dosa-dosa kecil dengan kita mengamalkan
berselawat sebanyak 11 kali tiap kali selesai menunaikan solat fardu.
6. Sewaktu menghadapi hidangan, Nabi membiasakan diri dengan
mengambil makanan yang terdekat, kemudian baru di ambil hidangan yang
lainnya sebagai simbolik kesopanan.
7. Amalkan membaca selawat sebanyak 1000 kali sehari, insyaALLAH
akandi kurniakan kebijaksanaan pemikiran. Di samping itu berusahalah
untuk menerokai pelbagai ilmu.
8. Sesiapa yang berniat mandi(untuk solat jumaat) kemudian pakai
pakaian terbaik & wangian lalu solat jumaat, dosanya akan diampun
hingga jumaat berikutnya-Ahmad.
9. Sesiapa yang mengamalkan berselawat 11 kali tiap hari, dengan
izin ALLAH dirinya akan lebih dihargai oleh orang lain.
10. Uthman bin Affan riwayatkan bahawa Nabi SAW apabila berwuduk,
beliau membasahi janggutnya-Tirmizi
11. Nabi tidak pernah mencela makanan. Jika baginda suka, dia makan
dan sebaliknya beliau tinggalkan-Bukhari. Apatah lagi jika makanan itu
pemberian orang lain.
12. Sahabat meriwayatkan: Aku lihat Nabi SAW makan dengan 3 jari(ibu
jari telunjuk & tengah)-Muslim. Jarang sekali beliau makan dengan 4 @
5 jari kecuali ada keperluan
13. Menurut Sayyid Ahmad dahlan, sesiapa berselawat walau sekali
pada malam jumaat, saat mautnya kelak akan dipermudahkan ALLAH seperti
yang dihadapi oleh para nabi
14. Setiap penyakit ada penawarnya. Bacalah selawat tujuh kali pada
air dan minum. InsyaALLAH, perut yang sakit atau memulas akan sembuh
15. Perbaharui wuduk tiap kali bersolat krn padanya terdapat banyak
fadhilat. Hadith: Sesiapa yang berwuduk dalam keadaan suci, ALLAH
catatkan 10 kebaikan baginya-Abu Dawud.
16. Sesiapa yang mengamalkan membaca selawat tiga kali setiap
selepas solat lima waktu akan dihilangkan kebuntuan fikiran dalam
menghadapi apa jua masalah
17. Nabi SAW sering menghadap kekanan sedikit setelah solat
berjemaah supaya makmum dapat melihat wajahnya. Sebaiknya imam
berzikir dan doa seketika bersama makmum
18. Allah akan hapuskan dosa-dosa kecil dengan kita mengamalkan
beselawat sebanyak 11 kali tiap kali selesai menunaikan solat fardu
19. Nabi tak makan sambil bersandar-Bukhari. Ertinya, baginda makan
dengan duduk condong sedikit ke hadapan bagi elakkan dirinya terlalu
kenyang & mudahkan penghadaman
20. Menurut Syihab Ahmad, sesiapa berselawat tiga kali tiap selesai
solat subuh, Maghrib dan isyak, ALLAH akan menghindarkannya drp
sebarang bencana
21. Nabi sering beristinsyaq air kedalam hidung dan
menghembuskannya. Selain membersihkan, ia juga mengelakkan sebarang
penyakit yang berkaitan dengan hidung
22. Setelah bersolat Nabi memohon ampun ( astagfirullahalazii m) tiga
kali-Muslim. Dalam riwayat yang lain, Nabi adakalanya beristighfar 75
kali sehari
23. Sesiapa yang amalkan berselawat sebanyak 1000 kali tiap hari,
ALLAH akan memeliharanya daripada sebarang ancaman musuh serta bahaya
24. Apabila Nabi tidur, ia dahulukan mengiring sebelah kanan ?
Bukhari. Dari segi kesihatan, cara berkenaan baik untuk jantung (yang
berada di kiri badan) mengepam darah
25. Amalan berselawat secara teratur setiap hari mampu membersihkan
kekeruhan jiwa, dipermudahkan ALLAH segala urusan dan mendapat
keampunan daripadaNYA
26. Tika Nabi tidur, ia membaca surah Al-Ikhlas,Al- Falaq dan An-Naas
lalu meniup telapak tangan serta menyapu keseluruh tubuh)mohon
perlindunganNYA) ? Bukhari
27. Membaca selawat 10 kali pada setiap waktu pagi dan petang akan
memperolehi keredhaan serta dijauhkan diri daripada mendapat kemurkaan
28. Wuduk dahulu jika ingin tidur sekalipun dalam keadaan junub.
Nabi menyarankan, cukup dengan bersihkan kemaluan dan berwuduk tanpa
perlu mandi wajib jika ingin tidur
29. Munurut As-Shawi, sesiapa yang membaca selawat secara rutin,
akan terpelihara hatinya daripada gangguan serta tipudaya syaitan yang
30. Silangkan kaki jika tidur di masjid. Hadith: Sahabat melihatNabi
berbaring di masjid dgn satu kakinya atas kaki yang lain (krn bimbang
terdedah aurat) ? Bukhari
31. Sesiapa yang membaca selawat sebanyak tujuh kali selama tujuh
Jumaat berturut-turut, ia bakal mendapat syafaat (pertolongan)
daripada baginda SAW
32. Adakalanya Nabi SAW amat menyukai doa-doa yang ringkas (mudah) ?
Abu dawud. Baginda mementingkan kualiti doa itu sendiri dengan sedikit
tetapi maknanya yang menyeluruh
33. Menurut Al-Hafiz Dimyati, sesiapa yang berhajat menemui Nabi SAW
dalam mimpinya maka amalkan membaca selawat sebanyak 70 kali sehari
34. Setelah bersolat Nabi SAW mohon ampun (astagfirullahalazi im)
tiga kali ? Muslim. Dalam riwayat yang lain, Nabi adakalanya
beristighfar 75 kali sehari
35. Nabi seorang yang berpsikologi dalam memberi nasihat. Nabi
memilih waktu yang sesuai untuk menasihati sahabat supaya mereka tidak
bosan (atau tersinggung) ? bukhari
36. Ada riwayat yang menyatakan bahawa amalan berselawat 80 kali
tiap selepas solat asar pada hari jumaat, insyaALLAH akan dihapuskan
dosa-dosa kecil seseorang
37. Menutup mulut dan rendahkan suara tika bersin. Hadith: Apabila
Nabi bersin, beliau letakkan tangan atau pakaiannya dimulut (kerana
dibimbangi terpercik) ? Abu Dawud
38. Jiwa yang gelisah dapat ditenangkan dengan zikir, termasuklah
berselawat sekerap yang mungkin kerana ALLAH itu Maha Luas rahmatNya
39. Sabda Nabi SAW: Barangsiapa yang berselawat kepadakusebanyak 100
kali pada hari jumaat, maka ia akan datang pada hari kiamat dengan
keadaan bercahaya ? Abu Naim
40. Nabi tidak pernah menolak hadiah. Hadith: nabi selalu terima
hadiah & amat menghargainya ? Bukhari
41. Sesiapa yang sering mengamalkan berselawat pada setiap hari,
ALLAH akan bukakan pintu rahmat dan rezeki yang tidak disangka-sangka
42. Selalu memilih yang lebih mudah. Hadith: Mudahkan sesuatu &
jangan kamu sukarkannya ? Muttafaq Alaih
43. Berdiri apabila melihat iringan jenazah. Hadith: Apabila kamu
sekalian melihat jenazah ( yang diusung), maka berdirilah (sbg tanda
penghormatan) - Muttafaq Alaih
44. Ulamak berpendapat, sesiapa yang amalkan selawat saban hari tak
kira berapa hitungannya, InsyaALLAH dihindarkan daripada taun & wabak
penyakit berbahaya yang lain
45. Bersujud syukur jika dapat khabar gembira. Nabi sering
melakukannya ketikaberoleh khabar yang menyenangkan sebagai tanda
syukur hamba terhadap ALLAH ? Abu dawud
46. Membaca selawat 1000 kali selepas Solat Hajat dua rakaat mampu
meenghilangkan keresahan, rasa dukacita serta dikabulkan ALLAH akan
47. Beri salam hingga tiga kali sahaja. Bahawasanya Nabi (apabila
mendatangi rumah sahabat) beri salam hingga 3 kali ? Bukhari. Jika
salamnya tak berjawab, beliau beredar
48. Menurut para ulamak, sesiapa yang inginkan saat kematiannya
dalam kesudahan yang baik, maka berselawatlah seban yak 10 kali setiap
selesai solat Maghrib
49. Melakukan pekerjaan rumah. Hadith: Bantuan terhadap isterimu itu
adalah sedekah-Ad-Dailami
50. Para ulamak berpendapat, ALLAH sempurnakan hajat yang baik
dengan senantiasa berselawat 40 hingga 100 kali setiap hari, di ikuti
dengan usaha yang berterusan.

Sekarang anda mempunyai 2 pilihan :

1. Sekadar Membaca Artikel ini untuk panduan anda.

2. Forward Artikel ini kepada kenalan anda dan Insya ALLAH redha Allah akan dianugerahkan kepada setiap orang yang anda kirim.

Friday, October 12, 2007

salam hari raya

selamat hari raya aidil fitri buat semua, maaf zahir dan batin

Don't compare yourself with any one in this world. If you compare, you are
insulting yourself.
Don't complain about others; change yourself if you want peace.
It is easier to protect your feet with slippers than to cover the earth with
No one can go back and change a bad beginning, but anyone can start now and
create a successful ending.
Easy is to judge the mistakes of others. Difficult is to recognize our own
If a problem can be solved, no need to worry about it. If a problem cannot
be solved what is the use of worrying?
Nothing can be changed by "Changing the Face". But everything can be changed
by "Facing the Change".
Be bold when you loose and be calm when you win.
No one will manufacture a lock without a key. Similarly God won't give
problems without solutions.
Every successful person has a painful story. Every painful story has a
successful ending. Accept the pain and get ready for success.
Heated gold becomes ornament. Beaten copper becomes wires. Depleted stone
becomes statue.
So the more pain your get in life you become more valuable.
Mistakes are painful when they happen. But years later collection of
mistakes is called experience, which leads to success.
Life laughs at you when you are unhappy..... ..
Life smiles at you when you are happy......
Life salutes you when you make others happy......
If you miss an opportunity don't fill the eyes with tears. It will hide
another better opportunity in front of you .

Wednesday, October 10, 2007


The family is sitting at the dinner table. The son asks his father, "Dad,
how many kinds of boobies are there?" The father, surprised, answers,
"Well son, there's three kinds of breasts. In her twenties, a woman's
breasts are like melons, round & firm. In her thirties & forties, they are
like pears, still nice, but hanging a bit. After fifty, they are like
onions." "Onions?" "Yes, you see them, and they make you cry."

This infuriated his wife and daughter so the daughter says, "Mom, how many
types of "willies" are there?" The mother, surprised, smiles and answers,
"Well dear, a man goes through three phases. In his twenties, his willie
is like an oak tree, mighty and hard. In his thirties & forties, it's like
a birch tree, flexible but reliable. After his fifties, it is like a
Christmas tree." "A Christmas tree??"

"Yes dear, dead from the root up and the balls are for decoration only."

Monday, October 8, 2007

The wise old man

Ahmad, man of 92 years, short, very well-presented, who takes great care in his appearance, is moving into an old people,s home today.
His wife of 70, Alia, has recently died, and he is obliged to leave his home.
After waiting several hours in the retirement home lobby, he gently smiles as he is told by Ahmadi, a volunteer there that his room is ready.
As he slowly walks to the elevator, using his cane, Ahmadi describe his small room to him, including the sheet hung at the window which serves as a curtain.
"I like it very much", Ahmad says, with the enthusiasm of an 8 year old boy who has just been given a new puppy.
"Pakcik Ahmad, you haven,t even seen the room yet, hang on a moment, we are almost there. "
" That has nothing to do with it ", he replies.
" Happiness is something I choose in advance. Whether or not I like the room does not depend on the furniture, or the decor rather it depends on how I decide to see it. "
"I already decided in my mind that I like my room. It is a decision I take every morning when I wake up. "
"I can choose. I can spend my day in bed enumerating all the difficulties that I have with the parts of my body that no longer work very well, or I can get up and give thanks to heaven for those parts that are still in working order. "
"Every day is a gift, and as long as I can open my eyes, I will focus on the new day, and all the happy memories that I have built up during my life. "
" Old age is like a bank account. You withdraw in later life what you have deposited along the way. "
So, my advice to you is to deposit all the happiness you can in your bank account of memories.
Remember these simple guidelines for happiness.
1. Free your heart from hate.
2. Free your mind from worry.
3. Live simply.
4. Give more.
5. Expect less.

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Is it real?

It was said that this creature was found by fisherman in Malaysia in 2006. Is it real, anybody?

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Saturday, September 29, 2007


A jobless man applied for the position of "office boy" at Microsoft. The HR
manager interviewed him then watched him cleaning the floor as a test. "You
are employed."

He said." Give me your e-mail address and I'll send you the application to
fill in, as well as date when you may start."

The man replied "But I don't have a computer, neither an email."
I'm sorry", said the HR manager, "If you don't have an email, that means you
do not exist. And who doesn't exist, cannot have the job."

The man left with no hope at all. He didn't know what to do, with only $10
in his pocket. He then decided to go to the supermarket and buy a 10Kg
tomato crate.

He then sold the tomatoes in a door to door round. In less than two hours,
he succeeded to double his capital. He repeated the Operation three times,
and returned home with $60. The man realized that he can survive by this
Way, and started to go everyday earlier, and return late Thus, his money
doubled or tripled every day. Shortly, he bought a cart, then a truck, then
he had his own fleet of delivery vehicles.

5 years later, the man is one of the biggest food retailers in the US . He
started to plan his family's future, and decided to have a life insurance.

He called an insurance broker, and chose a protection plan. When the
conversation was concluded, the broker asked him his email. The man replied,
"I don't have an email". The broker answered curiously, "You don't have an
email, and yet have succeeded to build an empire. Can you imagine what you
could have been if you had an email?!!"

The man thought for a while and replied, "Yes, I'd be an office boy at

Moral of the story:

M1 - Internet is not the solution to your life.
M2 - If you don't have internet, and work hard, you can be a millionaire.
M3 - If you received this message by email, you are closer to being an
office boy,
than a millionaire. .........

Have a great day!!! heheh...

Pls Note: - Do not forward this email to me back, I'm closing all my email
addresses & going to sell tomatoes!!!

Smiling after reading is not mandatory!!! !

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

why miss universe must have tertiary level education...

Read it like an adult! This is very funny!purely jokes, nothing but jokes only. sent by my alumni member via our yahoo group.

One of the main reasons why in recent years the Singapore Government
has always ensured that their Miss Universe representative were of tertiary
level education or higher was because of the following incident which occurred not too many years ago.
It is the final round of the Miss Universe Pageant and the 3 finalists, Miss USA , Miss Malaysia and Miss Singapore are being asked simple questions:

MC: The first question is name me an electrical appliance starting with 'L'
Miss USA : Lamp,
Miss Malaysia : Light bulb,
Miss Singapore : LADIO

Judge: No, no, Radio does not start with the letter 'L'

MC: I am going to give you 3 more chances. Now, name me an animal starting with the letter 'L'
Miss USA : Lion,
Miss Malaysia : Leopard,
Miss Singapore : LABBIT

Judge: No, no, no!

MC: Your next chance. The name of a famous car that starts with 'L'
Miss USA : Lexus,
Miss Malaysia : Lamborghini,
Miss Singapore : Lolls-Loyce
Judge: Oh my God!

MC: I am going to give you one last chance! Name me a fruit starting with the letter 'L'
Miss USA : Lemon,
Miss Malaysia : Lychee,
Miss Singapore , with full of confidence, smiles and says: LIEWLIAN!!

This is not the end of the story, the Judge consulted the board of judges to determine if Miss Singapore should really be disqualified and they decided that since Miss Singapore was having so many problems with the letter 'L', they decided to give her another chance.

Judge: OK, the final question is : Name me a human anatomy starting with the letter 'L'
Miss USA : Lung (applause),
Miss Malaysia : Liver (even more applause),
Miss Singapore : LAN CIAU
The Judges fainted..!!!


Ayah talipon hari ini..
Ayah, satu-satunya orang yang menentang aku makan gaji. Ayah mahu aku buat agri, tapi aku tak ada modal dan tak ada tanah. aku tak kisah untuk tukar bidang kerana yang penting bagi aku sekarang untuk dekat dengan ibu dan ayah. Mereka dah separate, lama dah, dah 30 tahun dah. Ayah dah 70 lebih dah.

Masa Mr Chew (sbsb) ajak kerja kat Bahrain last year, aku bagi reason parent. Aku tak sanggup untuk tinggalkan parent, kalau aku kat Malaysia, senang untuk jenguk dia orang. Thats y aku cari kerja belah pantai timur. Mr Chew kata parent dia pun dah tua, tapi dia selalu jenguk. Lain lah, u duit banyak, any time boleh jenguk. Aku kalau jauh2 macam sekarang ni, berapa kali je boleh jenguk dalam sebulan? Duit boleh cari, insya Allah. Budi ibu ayah, bila lagi nak balas.

Dalam umur mereka sekarang ni tentu mereka kesunyian. Itulah aku nak selalu dekat dgn mereka...

Saturday, September 22, 2007

I'm back..for a while

After being in terengganu with loads of works and troubles, i'm back....for a while. But sad, very sad.. my black cat sudah lari. first few days when i come back, itam looks so weak. Asyik tidor siang malam. Mula2 makan ok. Then after 2 days, i think, dia bantai tidor satu hari. I ingat dia pun ikut posa. bila bagi makan itam tak mau. Normally bila buka aje pek wiskers, itam akan kejar. Tapi hari tu dia buat donno. Dia makan jugak, separuh saja. Lepas tu dia duduk kat hall, termenung. I selalu usik dia, apahal, ko posa jugak ke? Sayu mata dia tengok orang. Pastu i datang dekat dia, hulur tangan, terus dia rebahkan badan dia mintak di belai. Belai dia kejap, pastu tinggalkan. Next, dia keluar, langsung tak balik sampai hari ni. Mana kau itam? Kalau my daughter, ika, tau itam lari or die, mesti ika nangis. Ika dok asrama. Kitorang lum bg tau dia lagi. dia nk spm,tak mau dia nangis. Itam is already part of our life... so close..

Friday, February 9, 2007


after my last entry, my area was hit by a very 'BIG' thunderstorm that caused damages to electrical items incl computers n modems etc, not only one house but many of my neighbours also hit! Following the incident is my schedule was very tight that i have to travel to Terengganu mostly every week for some works that will give me money, insya Allah.
So, if usee no new post, sorry guys.
Will be back soon. Thnks

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Barzan, Awad jalani hukuman gantung

Barzan, Awad jalani hukuman gantung
BAGHDAD: Saudara tiri Saddam Hussein, Barzan Ibrahim al-Tikriti dan bekas ketua hakim, Awad Hamed al-Bandar, digantung sampai mati subuh semalam, 16 hari selepas bekas presiden itu menjalani hukuman sama, kata jurucakap kerajaan, Ali al-Dabbagh di Baghdad semalam

Iklan niaga

Mungkin maklumat ini bergunakepada pengusaha2 kecil atau sesiapa saja yang memerlukan.


Only in China...... i wonder what they really meant?

Monday, January 15, 2007

Petua dari ayah umar, muar

Terung pipit

1.daunnya boleh digunakan untuk mengubat resdung. Caranya, gulungkan daunnya dan jemur hingga kering. Kemudian, buat macam rokok, hisap!!

2.Buahnya boleh buat mengubat darah tinggi. Caranya, rebus dan makan buahnya. Boleh buat ulam makan nasi.

Daun ceri

Boleh buat mengubat kencing manis. Caranya,
1. Jika bacaan kandungan gula 20 dan lebih, ambil 17 helai daun ceri dan rebus dengan 3 cawan air sehingga menjadi 2 cawan air dan minum sekali seminggu.

2. Jika bacaan gula bawah 20, ambil 15 helai daun.

3.Jika bacaan gula 10, ambil 10 helai daun sahaja.

Awas, kalau minum berlebihan, kandungan gula dalam badan akan berkurang dan anda akan lemah/menggigil.

Setiap sesuatu yang dipanggil ubat ada sukatannya. Kalau diambil melebihi/kurang dari sukatannya, maka ia tidak lagi jadi ubat malah mungkin boleh membahayakan. Begitu juga dengan kismis hitam.

Khasiat kismis hitam ialah untuk menguatkan ingatan. Caranya: dimakan 7 biji setiap pagi dengan susu segar. Kalau makan sampai segenggam tu dah tak jadi ubat, dah jadi melantak pula...hehehe

Friday, January 12, 2007

Everyrhing gone...huhuhu

I was infected by virus. Everything gone!!! include the malay version of the adsense e book. So, i have to re-do everything again. Those who already ordered, be patient k! I'll send it to you shortly. huhuhu!!!!Frust ooo..

Monday, January 8, 2007

Make money through AdBrite

In brief, AdBrite is something like AdSense. You knowAdSense? As internet user, I'm sure you did! So this is alternative system to AdSense. Personally, i found AdBrite is easier to 'use' for us as a publisher(website/blog owner) . Before we go further to wether it can generate extra revenue or not, let me introduce to one special item here. You see the AdBrite logo on your right hand side? It is a referral program button.

What is the referral program?

Generate extra revenue for your site by participating in the AdBrite Referral Program.

How much does the referral program cost?

Nothing. You earn money for all buying and selling activity for all new users you refer. You’ll earn 50% of AdBrite’s profits for the first 3 months after a referred user creates an account, and 10% of AdBrite’s profit for the next 9 months after that.

How do I get started with the referral program?

Visit our referral program page to get started. All you have to do is place one of our Referral buttons on your site. You start to generate income when a never registered user clicks on your button and becomes a new active AdBrite publisher or buys advertising through AdBrite.

Sunday, January 7, 2007

don't easily disclose your secret.....

i remember the time when i was in primary school, abt 8 -9 yrs old. Our school uniform at that time was white shirt and blue short. Most of the boys are skinny. One day one of the classmate have done something naughty and the teacher punished him by standing infront of the class. He stood in the middle of the blackboard, then the teacher found that he obstruct our view. So she asked him to squat. Then we noticed him smiling and pointing towards us. At first we don't aware of what he is pointing at, but then , when we know what he was pointing at, we start to hide it from his sight. ( at that age, nobody wear underwear). But surely, the size he saw was not as the one shown in this photo.
(more funny thing at college humor....)

Friday, January 5, 2007

Welcome frens..

my warmest welcome to all of u frens, esp.those i invited via sms. Actually my intenton here is to show u a way of making money online, but i dont want to go like others whom agressively promote their web but at the end u found that all they do to generate income is by selling ebook alone or by pyramid scheme. Here, man-man i will share with u...tungguuuuu.......................

Beranak dalam tandas

Lahir anak dalam tandas

Oleh Rashidi Karim

KANGAR: Seorang janda muda gagal menyembunyikan perbuatannya melahirkan seorang bayi dalam tandas di Hospital Tuanku Fauziah (HTF), di sini, kelmarin apabila beberapa pekerja melihat tompokan darah pada pakaiannya.

Bayi itu ditinggalkan seorang diri kira-kira dua jam selepas dilahirkan di tandas terbabit sebelum beberapa pekerja hospital mendengar tangisannya kira-kira jam 5 pagi, kelmarin.

Sumber berkata, pada mulanya janda berusia 29 tahun itu menafikan melahirkan bayi dalam tandas HTF tetapi akhirnya mengaku perbuatannya itu selepas pegawai atasan hospital mahu mengadakan ujian DNA.

“Beberapa pekerja hospital yang sedang bertugas pada awal pagi semalam (kelmarin) terkejut mendengar tangisan bayi dalam tandas di wad kanak-kanak HTF.

“Bayi berkenaan ditinggalkan seorang diri di dalam tandas ini selepas dilahirkan janda terbabit yang ketika itu sedang menjalankan kerja syif malam.

“Wanita terbabit sudah berpisah dengan suaminya.

“Dia sebelum ini dikatakan mengadakan hubungan intim dengan seorang pekerja hospital,” katanya di sini, semalam.

Beliau berkata, perbuatan janda itu mengejutkan kakitangan HTF, tambahan pula tindakanya meninggalkan bayinya yang baru dilahirkan dalam tandas seorang diri.

Katanya, pada mulanya, janda itu menafikan ibu kepada bayi berkenaan dengan menyatakan tompokan darah itu adalah darah haid.

“Tetapi selepas campur tangan pegawai atasan hospital yang mahu mengadakan ujian DNA bagi mengenal pasti ibu kepada bayi ini, baru janda terbabit mengaku melahirkan bayi berkenaan,” katanya.

Sumber itu berkata, janda itu cuba menyembunyikan perbuatannya dengan meneruskan tugasnya mencuci wad kanak-kanak HTF selepas melahirkan bayi bagi menyembunyikan tembelangnya.

Sementara itu, Ketua Polis Daerah Kangar, Superintendan Yusof Mohd Diah, ketika dihubungi mengesahkan pihaknya ada menyoal siasat seorang wanita berhubung penemuan seorang bayi dalam tandas itu.

Bagaimanapun katanya, pihaknya mendapati tiada unsur jenayah dalam kejadian itu berikutan wanita terbabit mengaku dia adalah ibu kepada bayi itu. Dia didapati bersalin seorang diri dalam tandas HTF.

“Mungkin dia panik atau tergamam bersalin seorang diri dalam tandas dan keluar untuk mendapatkan bantuan orang ramai. Tambahan kejadian ini berlaku pada awal pagi,” katanya.

Gambar2 berikut adalah gambar yang saya dapat dalam e mail, bukan gambar berkaitan dengan berita ini. Harap maklum!

Lubang besar

Ini adalah lombong berlian di Rusia. Lubangbesar ni nampak bila tengok melalui satelit. Fuyoooo....

Thursday, January 4, 2007

Only in Bali..?

I have nothing to comment on this sculpture, only that i wonder, who will buy it?


Johnny wanted to have sex with a girl in his office.....but she belonged to someone else. One day Johnny got so frustrated that he went up to her andsaid I'll give you a $100 if you let me have sex with you....but the girlsaid NO.Johnny said I'll be fast, I'll throw the money on the floor, you bend down, and I?ll be finished by the time you pick it up.She thought for a moment and said that she would have to consult she called her boyfriend and told him the story. Herboyfriend says ask him for $200, pick up the money very fast, he won't even be able to get his pants down. So she agrees and accepts the proposal. Halfan hour goes by and the boyfriend is waiting for his girlfriend to call.Finally after 45 minutes the boyfriend calls and asks whathappened......She said "The bastard used coins!!"

Masa dengan anak2

Seorang bapa pulang ke rumah dalam keadaan letih disambut baik oleh
anaknya yang berusia 7 tahun. Sambil mengangkat briefcase ayahnya, sianak itu
bertanya kepada ayah.....

Anak: Ayah...ayah. . boleh Amin tanya satu soalan?

Ayah: Hmmm....nak tanya apa?

Anak: Ayah...berapa pendapatan ayah sejam di pejabat?

Ayah: Itu bukan urusan kamu, buat apa sebuk-sebuk nak tanya?
Si ayah mula menengking.

Anak: Amin saja nak tahu ayah... Tolonglah beritahu berapa pendapatan
ayah sejam di pejabat?

Si anak mula merayu pada ayahnya.

Ayah: 20 ringgit sejam.. Kenapa nak tahu?
Jerkah ayahnya lagi.

Anak: Oh..20 ringgit..Amin menundukkan mukanya.

Anak: Ayah.. boleh tak bagi Amin pinjam 10 ringgit dari ayah?

Si ayah mula menjadi berang dan berkata, "Oh, itu ke sebabnya kamu tanya
pasal pendapatan ayah? Kamu nak buat apa dengan duit tu? Mintak sampai
ringgit? Nak beli mainan lagi?? Ayah penat-penat kerja cari duit,kamu
senang-senang nak membazir ya.. Sudah, pergi masuk bilik.. tidur!Dah
berapa nih...!!"Si anak itu terdiam dan perlahan-lahan dia kembali ke

Si ayah duduk di sofa sambil memikirkan mengapa anaknya yang sekecil itu
memintaduit sampai 10 ringgit. Kira-kira 2 jam kemudian, ayah kembali
tenang dan terfikir kemungkinan besar anaknya benar-benar memerlukan
duit untuk keperluan di sekolah kerana anaknya tak pernah meminta wang
sebegitu banyak sebelum ini.Dengan perasaan bersalah, si ayah melangkah menuju ke
bilik anaknya.Didapati anaknya masih belum tidur."Kamu benar-benar
perlukan 10 ringgit?

Nah.. ambil ni" Si ayah mengeluarkan sekeping duit kaler
merah.Kanak- kanak
itu segera bangun dan tersenyum girang."Terima kasih banyaklah
dia mengangkat bantalnya dan mengeluarkan sekeping note 10 ringgit yang
sudah renyuk terhimpit oleh bantal. Bila ternampak duit itu, siayah
kembali berang.

"Kenapa kamu mintak duit lagi sedangkan kamu dah ada duit sebanyak
itu??Dan dari mana kamu dapat duit tu??"Amin tunduk... tak berani dia
merenung ayahnya. Sambil menggenggam kemas duit itu, dia
menerangkan. ...."Duit ni Amin kumpul dari belanja sekolah yang ayah bagi
hari-hari tu.Amin minta lagi 10 ringgit kat ayah sebab Amin tak cukup
duit...""Tak cukup duit nak beli apa??"Jerkah ayahnya lagi

Ayah.... sekarang Amin dah ada 20 ringgit.. Nah..ayah ambil duit ni.Amin
nak beli sejam dari masa ayah di pejabat tu. Amin nak ayah balikkerja
awal esok. Amin rindu nak makan malam dengan ayah.."Jelas Amin tanpa
memandang wajah ayahnya...

Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Demi Masa, sesungguhnya manusia itu dalam kerugian...

Kerugian adalah sesuatu yang semua orang tidak mahu. Tetapi dalam tidak sedar kita telah merugikan diri kita sendiri dan juga orang lain. Umpamanya dalam dunia siber ini, kita tahu iklan-iklan yang dipamer pada website itu semuanya berbayar dan kita tahu ada sistem yang boleh kita jana pendapatan dengan hanya meletakkan iklan pada web/blog kita.

Kita rugi kalau tidak menyertai sistem2 tersebut kerana ianya percuma
Kita telah merugikan orang lain kerana tidak klik pada iklan bila mengunjungi web/blog mereka
Apalah sangat dengan satu klik?...

Kepada sesapa yang berminat dengan AdSense, dapatkan eBook percuma. Lihat iklan d sebelah.

Cerita adik ipar aku bagitau

Dia ni selalu outstation,
lama- lama baru balik rumah. Pada satu
petang Khamis tu dia pun balik rumah. Dah mandi gitu dia pun
sembahyang, lepas sembahyang dia berwirid. Masa tengah zikir,
"La ilahaillallah...", dia berhenti sekejap teriak tanya bini,
"Budak-budak dah mandi, Mah". "Dah Bang" jawab bininya.
'La ilaha illallah ..." disambung zikirnya.

Tak lama lepas tu, dia berhenti sekejap zikirnya dan tanya,
"Budak-budak dah makan, Mah". "Dah Bang, saya kasi makan
terus lepas pakaikan baju tadi", jawab bininya. Syukur dia dapat
bini yang cekap. "La ilaha illallah ..."dengan laju sikit rentak zikirnya.

Selepas beberapa minit, dia tanya lagi bininya, "Budak-budak dah
tidur Mah". "Dah Bang" jawab bininya tu. "Baguslah tu", dia jawab
dengan senyum sedikit. Laju sekali zikirnya macam naik sheikh,
"La ilahaillah ..." tak sabar. Tak berapa minit lepas tu dia berhenti
sekejap lagi dan dengan nada romantik ditanya bininya, "Mah dah
sembahyang belum". Bininya lantas menjawab, "Mah tak boleh
sembahyang, Bang". "Laaaaaa ilaaaaha illallaaaaaaaahhhhhh",
dengan nada mengeluh diakhiri zikir panjangnya dan terus naik katil
tidur, kecewa salah kira hari untuk pulang.

Yang bini di luar heran kenapa tiba-tiba berhenti zikir suaminya....

Tuesday, January 2, 2007

happy birthday

happy birthday to me.....
still cannot acces the email..huhuhu!!!

Monday, January 1, 2007

Happy New Year 2007

Wishing all
Happy New Year
May all the best things will happen
this year in our life

Sunday, December 31, 2006

No matter what, Saddam already dead!!

Saddam was Right and Bush was Wrong

Think about it. It was the Bush administration and not Saddam that turned out to be lying about WMDs. As we all know now, there weren't any weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. Amazingly enough, it was Saddam who was telling the truth from the very beginning. Bush was the one who lied to the whole world.

You may remember that in 2002, the UN Security Council ordered Iraq to put together a report detailing the entirety of its biological, chemical, and nuclear weapons programs. In response, Iraqi officials compiled an 11,800-page report on the past and present status of Iraq's weapons programs.

From that report we learned (from the Iraqis) that Iraq once had both chemical and biological weapons, as well as a program to develop nuclear weapons. We also learned that Iraq acquired biological and chemical weapons from the US, and Iraqi nuclear scientists were trained at US government nuclear facilities. Most importantly, though, the Iraqis told us that some of the weapons and nuclear facilities were destroyed in the first Gulf War, and the rest were destroyed under the supervision of UN weapons inspectors.

All of this turned out to be true.


George Bush repeatedly told us that Saddam was lying, that Iraq had WMDs, and that Iraq under Saddam was a "threat to the whole world." So, here we are, years later. What have we learned to be the truth?

The search for WMDs turned up nothing. Nada. Zip. Zilch.

Everything Hussein said about the weapons has turned out to be true. Everything Bush said about the weapons has turned out to be false.

But, it wasn't "faulty intelligence" as the liars keep telling us. War against Iraq was the product of a witch's brew of disinformation, distortions, spin, and lies given by people interested in the US invasion of Iraq.

The non-existent weapons of mass destruction weren't the only falsehood. There were the phony uranium purchases, lies about Al-Qaeda training camps in Iraq, mobile weapons labs, and drones that were going to attack the East Coast of the US.

Remember the lies about babies being thrown out of incubators? The propaganda started years ago. Even the claims of Saddam's brutality are suspect. Why? Because most of these claims come from the same people that have already discredited themselves.

No one would call you naïve for distrusting someone who lies to you over and over and over.


So, when confronted with the charge that he lied about the reasons to go to war with Iraq, President Bush simply went into spin mode and said, "The defense of freedom is always worth it."

Was it worth it to the thousands of Americans who have been wounded or killed?

Was it worth it to the countless Iraqi men, women and children who have died?

Was it worth it to their families?


The reality of the situation is that the US Government - from Bush Sr., to Bill Clinton, to G.W - decided on its own that Saddam should no longer be the president of Iraq. This is the very thing that the Constitution and International Law were designed to prevent.

America was never threatened by Saddam Hussein. Iraq had absolutely no capability to attack the United States, and never was there indicated a desire to do so.

In short, American "freedom" was never threatened by Iraq, or Saddam Hussein. So how can anyone consider an unprovoked attack on another nation as "defending freedom"? The absurdity of such lies will ring on for centuries.

It's not America's calling to choose who should or should not be in charge of another country. But, obviously, the Iraqi war was worth it to George Bush.

If George wants to donate his own money to revolutionary movements in foreign countries, he has the right as a free person to do so. If he wants to quit his job (wishful thinking) and go fight in one of those countries, he has a right to do so as well.

But, he has absolutely no constitutional authority to use American money and American lives to fight for "freedom" in other countries.

So, in order to continue war, the lies must continue.


The result of all this was that the "Butcher of Baghdad" was right and that the "President of the United States" was wrong. Saddam Hussein was given the death penalty for "war crimes," while George Bush and his accomplices in our two-party Congress continue to rule over us.

We're living in sad times, indeed, times when you can trust what Saddam Hussein says more than your own government.

In practice, being honest or lying doesn't matter. It's might that's right.

And that's the sad truth.

Michael Boldin [], an outspoken critic of the American political system, is a senior editor and contributing writer for



Memo to Jess Helms from InfoTimes. Note excerpt from US Army War College report that no evidence exists to support US claims that Iraq used gas on the Kurds.

I continue to make inquiry into the situation in Iraq, as it is likely to brew up into another crisis one of these days when the US Army War College has no choice but to conclude that Iraq is not hiding any weapons of mass destruction -- or if they are, they are so well hidden that nobody is going to find them. As you know, I'm sure, the warhawks in the United States will continue to insist that the embargo remain in place no matter what, and there will be assertions from around the world that we have not been acting in good faith. As you also know, I believe there are serious questions regarding our behavior toward Iraq that go back further. You would agree, I think, that at the very least our State Department gave a "green light" to Saddam Hussein to go into Kuwait in August 1990. The more I read of the events of the period, the more I believe history will record that the Gulf War was unnecessary, perhaps even that Saddam Hussein was willing to retreat back to his borders, but our government decided we preferred the war to the status quo ante.

In my previous correspondence with you on this matter, I had been in a quandary about the state of our relations with Baghdad during that critical period. In the months immediately preceding the "green light" given by our Ambassador, April Glaspie, a number of your Senate colleagues including Bob Dole had traveled to Baghdad, met with Saddam, and found him to be a head of state worthy of support. Even Sen. Howard Metzenbaum [D-OH], a Jewish liberal and staunch supporter of Israel, gave him a seal of approval. What disturbs me even now, Jesse, is that these meetings occurred after the Senate Foreign Relations committee had accused Iraq of using poison gas against its own people, i.e., the Kurds. Like all other Americans, in recent years I had assumed that what I read in the papers was true about Iraq gassing its own people. Once the war drums again began beating last November, I decided to read up on the history, and found Iraq denied having used gas against its own people. Furthermore, I heard that a Pentagon investigation at the time had also turned up no hard evidence of Saddam gassing his own people.

This is serious stuff, because the US Army War College tells us that 1.4 million Iraqi civilians have died as a result of the sanctions, which is 3,000 times more than the number of Kurds who supposedly died of gassing at the hands of Saddam. Many of my old Cold Warrior friends practically DEMAND that we not lift the sanctions because if Saddam would gas his own people, he would gas anyone. Now I have come across the 1990 Pentagon report, published just prior to the invasion of Kuwait. Its authors are Stephen C. Pelletiere,

Selamat Hari Raya Aidul Adha

Mutiara kata buat semua
Kalau ingin menjadi pohon yang tinggi,
bersedialah untuk ditiup angin.
Kalau rela menjadi rumput di bumi,
bersedialah untuk dipijak pijak.

Why before raya haji?

cilok from malaysia today

30/12: Saddam 'frightened' in final moments

Category: General
Posted by: Raja Petra
Yahoo News

Saddam Hussein refused to wear a hood when he was taken to the gallows but looked "broken" and "frightened", it has been revealed. National Security adviser Mouwafak al Rubaie said that Saddam had "totally surrendered" and did not resist. He said a judge read the sentence to Saddam, and he was then taken in handcuffs to the execution room.

When he stood in the execution room, photographs and video footage were taken.

Mr al Rubaie said: "When we went to the gallow room he turned around to me. I was standing next to him and he said 'don't be afraid' as if I was going to be executed. I think it was self-reassurance for himself.

"The man was very, very broken, he looked really, really weak."

Mr al Rubaie added that Saddam had shown no remorse over his actions.

He said: "I expected at the moment of reality the man will be repentant, will confess to his crimes, will show some remorse, but he hasn't."

Mr al Rubaie had earlier told state-run Iraqiya television: "He did not ask for anything. He was carrying a Koran and said: 'I want this Koran to be given to this person,' a man he called Bander," adding he did not know who Bander was.

"Saddam was treated with respect when he was alive and after his death," he added. "Saddam's execution was 100 percent Iraqi and the American side did not interfere."

Sami al-Askari, political adviser to Prime Minister Nouri al Maliki, said Saddam struggled when he was taken from his cell in an American military prison, but was composed in his last moments.

He said Saddam was clad completely in black, with a jacket, trousers, hat and shoes, rather than prison garb.

Shortly before the execution, Saddam's hat was removed and Saddam was asked if he wanted to say something, but Mr al Askari said he had not wanted to, though he did recite a Muslim prayer.

He added: "Saddam later was taken to the gallows and refused to have his head covered with a bag.

"Before the rope was put around his neck, Saddam shouted: 'God is great. The nation will be victorious and Palestine is Arab'."

It has not been revealed where the execution took place, but it is believed it was not held in the fortified Green Zone.

One official said it took place at a facility known to Americans as 'Camp Justice', a former base for Saddam's feared security services and now used regularly for executions by Iraqi's courts.

Saturday, December 30, 2006

Today in history

Saddam Hussein executed in Iraq
Former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein has been executed by hanging at a secure facility in northern Baghdad for crimes against humanity.

The news was confirmed to the BBC by the Iraqi deputy foreign minister.

Iraqi TV said the execution took place just before 0600 local time (0300GMT). A representative of the prime minister and a Sunni Muslim cleric were present.

Two co-defendants, Saddam Hussein's half-brother and a former chief judge, are to be executed at a later date.

All three were sentenced to death by an Iraqi court on 5 November after a year-long trial over the 1982 killings of 148 Shias in the town of Dujail.

A small group of Iraqis witnessed the execution at an Iraqi compound known by the Americans as Camp Justice, a secure facility in the northern Baghdad suburb of Khadimeya.

They watched as a judge read out the sentence to Saddam Hussein. The former Iraqi leader was carrying a copy of the Koran and asked for it to be given to a friend.

The noose was then placed around his neck before the trap door was released. The execution took just a few minutes.

Video footage of the execution is expected to be released as final proof of Saddam Hussein's demise although it is expected to stop short of showing the actual death.

US troops and Iraqi security forces are on high alert for any violent backlash. The US State Department has urged all its embassies to increase security.

'End of a dark period'

News of Saddam Hussein's execution was broadcast on state-run Iraqiya television, as patriotic music and images of national monuments were played out.

It is an important milestone on Iraq's course to becoming a democracy that can govern, sustain, and defend itself
US President George W Bush

Saddam Hussein was hanged first, followed by Barzan and then Bandar, it announced. However, an Iraqi national security advisor later said only Saddam Hussein was hanged.

"We wanted him to be executed on a special day," Mouwafak al-Rubaie told Iraqiya, adding that Saddam Hussein "totally surrendered" and did not resist.

Saddam Hussein's half-brother Barzan al-Tikriti and Iraq's former chief judge Awad Hamed al-Bandar are to be executed some time after the Eid festival ends next week, he said.

Other Arab TV stations aired live footage of the sunrise over Baghdad's Firdous Square, where US Marines pulled down a statue of Saddam Hussein, after he was deposed in April 2003.

The BBC's Peter Greste in Baghdad says Shias have generally welcomed Saddam Hussein's death and hailed the execution as justice for the suffering endured under his leadership.

But Saddam's own Sunni tribesman were angered by his treatment and may well protest once more, our correspondent adds.

'Held to account'

US President George W Bush hailed the execution as "an important milestone" on the road to building an Iraqi democracy, but warned it would not end the deadly violence there.

I feel saddened by the death of Saddam, not because he deserved to live but because it is taking place under US occupation of Iraq
Nafeesa Zafar, Pakistan

He said: "It is a testament to the Iraqi people's resolve to move forward after decades of oppression that, despite his terrible crimes against his own people, Saddam Hussein received a fair trial.

"It is an important milestone on Iraq's course to becoming a democracy that can govern, sustain, and defend itself, and be an ally in the War on Terror."

UK Foreign Secretary Margaret Beckett welcomed the fact that Saddam Hussein had been tried by an Iraqi court "for at least some of the appalling crimes he committed" and said "he has now been held to account".

France called on Iraqis to "look towards the future and work towards reconciliation and national unity".

Hadis Nabi

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