Dear fellow non-muslims friends, allow me to inform you that the holly Quran is words from Allah, the one and only God for Muslim. His words are something that we cannot make fool of. He has guaranteed that He will safeguard the holly Quran untill the day oh qiamat (end of the world). When there is no one in this world recite the holly Quran, then the qiamat will come. As muslim people, we also have to safeguard the holly words from being sabotaged or whatever bad things. To touch the quran, we have to take ablution. We cannot bring the Quran into toilet because it is words from The God. We cannot put other thing on top of it, like in the book shelves. Because it is holly, it must be on top of everything. How in words can i explain about the quran? My english not good, but my point is we cannot do nasty things to the words from Allah.
Like this lady in the above picture... for sure she will go to toilet. and she will bring along , the quran on her back. May be she do not understand the importance of the words tattooed on her back, may be she just admire the beauty of the Arabic calligraph, but it is wrong and making fool of muslim. I pray to dear God, please give her hidayah.. show her the right path. Amen.