Friday, February 9, 2007


after my last entry, my area was hit by a very 'BIG' thunderstorm that caused damages to electrical items incl computers n modems etc, not only one house but many of my neighbours also hit! Following the incident is my schedule was very tight that i have to travel to Terengganu mostly every week for some works that will give me money, insya Allah.
So, if usee no new post, sorry guys.
Will be back soon. Thnks


Cikgu Siti Homestay Taman Indah said...


ohohoh, lama tak masuk sini

dulu rmah kena kilat gak, habis mesin basuh rosak, peti ais dan sebagainya...

sabar yaa!

Anonymous said...

I have linked to ur site.Now link to mine

Hadis Nabi

Riwayat Bukhari dan Muslim
Nabi s.a.w bersabda :
Seutama-utama perjuangan adalah perjuangan seseorang terhadap dirinya sendiri dan hawa nafsunya.